Thursday, April 9, 2015

Land of the Pharaohs ,Mystery discovery...

Land of the Pharaohs  , Egypt where there history begin with alot of strange misterys to discover ,To mutch mistery's to mutch question's   if there is someting to visit before everything else this is the nice'st place iv ever seen !! Enjoy the Land of the  Pharaohs.
Six hours flying time and you enter a land of amazing contrast, where ancient and modern live side by side. The river Nile gives Egypt life as it has done for many centuries. Felucca boats, wooden craft with single sails of white cotton criss cross between the banks.Oxen work in the fields while rickety pumps draw water for irrigation, a scene probably not changed in over 2,000 years.
Discover Egypt's mystical and timeless appeal from the ancient sights of the pharaohs at Luxor to the beaches of the Red Sea at Hurghada. Ancient civilisations have left their mark on the landscape creating one of the most spectacular sightseeing destinations in the world. It took over two and a half million blocks of stone, 100,000 men and 20 years to complete the Great Pyramid at Giza, a marvel of engineering then as it is today. Visit the ancient temples and tombs by taking the Nile cruise. Learn facts like the word mummy comes from mummiya, which is Arabic for bitumen in which bodies were preserved. Marvel at the awe-inspiring Pyramids and the Sphinx in Cairo or try scuba diving and snorkelling in the Red Sea.

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